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My Beginnings.....
Peppermint Billy - New book release.
Melton Mowbray - Tasmania
Paint the town red........
Leicester's Snippets inTime...
The Nine O'Clock Horses
Trench Cats of WW1
Who lived in a house like this...
Good old Duke
Message in a potato......
A thousand pities.....
Has the flying man arrived!!!
That cold January night in 1989....
No one would beleive in the last years..
God bless us, every one!!!
And the organ fell heavily......
The End of the Line
The First Burial
No Qualifications
Death is a Market Place
The Gregory's
Boney and his five wifs!!!!!!!
Practice makes perfect
For Sentimental Reasons.........
Saying Goodbye..The Bert Harris Mystery
Murder - The Gypsies Blyth
Wigston - I have a soul to be saved....
Glenfield Tunnel - A Perfect Stranger
The Green Bicycle Murder and Ronald Ligh
extra info on Glenfield Tunnel mystery..
Have you ever seen such a thing ....
God have mercy on me!!!
A Great Wigston Ghost Story....
My legs wernt long enough.....
Heroric Martyrs of Leicester
The Witches of Great Wigston...
The Ice Brooks Temper.......
1833 - Influenza Epidemic
Forward the Tigers........
36 oz of sesquicarbonate soda
Put the Kettle on........
"Fie, Fie, for shame!!!!!!!!"
Married Women not wanted...
The Cathedral Church of Leicester
Haymarket Theatre
Unnatatural offence on a sheep!
The Whipping Toms
Emitting a Phosphoric Flame....
Leicester - City of first!!!!
Well goodbye Sir.....
Leave my bones amongst you...
No Votes, No Golf.......
These boots were made for walking......
Re-Trial of Peppermint Billy 2023
Joseph Carey Merrick
Joseph Merrick
The death of Jospeh Carey Merrick.
Joseph's final resting place
The Elephant Man
Joseph: A True Story.
Don't you forget about me
External Interesting Links.
You Tube Channel
Statue Update
Saturday Leicester History Club
Goolies and Ghosties
The Case of mistaken Grave-identity....
Shrieks had been heard......
What would the food controller say.....
A draught of Opium
Events 2025
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Join me on Saturday Mornings for my Leicester History Grisly and Dark Saturday Club.....
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