Saying Goodbye.... The Bert Harris Mystery
On 21 April 1897 Bert Harris of Belgrave, champion cyclist, died following an accident at Villa Park, Birmingham.
On the day of the bike race at Aston, Bert was convinced that something was going to happen, he spent time visiting friends and family saying goodbye and telling them that he wouldn't be returning.
It was four miles into the race when the bunch of cyclists who were traveling in excess of 25mph, crashed. Harris was found lying on the track after having badly hit his head. He regained consciousness and told his friend "This time I am beat". A few days later he died in the hospital.
The sign in the photograph below was made and erected by the City Council in 2003 after Roger Lovell, Leicester Cycling Historian (Twitter: @Hilldodger) pestered them to recognise one of Leicester’s greatest-ever sportsmen.