When the graveyard at Leicester Guildhall was excavated various coffins were found. Two belonging to the Gregory family.
Fanny Gregory died April 13 1824 aged 6 years
Fanny Gregory died 3 August 1820 aged 41
Fanny Gregory nee Ford married Mansfield Gregory at St Martins Church on 17 March 1810.
Mansfield was a hosier and they lived in the affluent area of The Crescent in Leicester.
They had two children, both named after each perent. Unfortunately little Fanny died only aged 6 just four years after the death of her mother.
Little Fanny's obituary in the Leicester Chronicle reads as follows......
"On Tuesday last, aged 6 years after a short but severe illness, Fanny youngest daughter of Mr M Gregory of this place"

Map of the old grave yard at Leicester Guildhall

The Guildhall Grave Yard 2020

The Crescent, Leicester where the Gregory's lived