A Great Wigston Ghost Story.........
In 1841 it was reported a ghost was haunting the halls of Mr Burgess’ private asylum in Great Wigston (now Wigston Magna). For several weeks the dog belonging to Mr Burgess had unusually frequent fits of barking, particularly at night, and when he finished his howling a very remarkable sound of groaning was heard; but from where it came from, or by whom uttered, could not be identified. The dog, however, was unsettled, shook and trembled while the noise existed. The Police and locals were called to watch the premises, but no discovery was made. The inhabitants of the village saw this occurrence as miraculous.
But it was later proved that the dog was asthmatic; that the sound so much wondered over, came from the little fellows lungs after succumbing to exhaustion through barking, while his trembling was caused by his unavailing and painful efforts to clear his throat.